
A visual guide to the organization's structure

Elected representatives from each of the 31 peer groups.

Professionals in the television industry

Led by the Chair and other elected and appointed officers

More than 20 groups devoted to key initiatives

Employment opportunities with the Television Academy

The Television Academy is a not-for-profit trade organization that supports over 26,000 members nationwide. There are a number of components that make up the organization, all of which work together to serve the members and “promote creativity, diversity, innovation and excellence in television through recognition, education and leadership”.

  • The Executive Committee is a volunteer body of industry professionals, elected by the Academy’s Board of Governors and appointed by the Television Academy’s Chairman, who provide management guidance for the major decisions affecting the Academy.

  • The Peer Groups make up the membership of the Television Academy, representing the professions of our members.

  • The Board of Governors, consisting of two elected representatives from each Peer Group, meets monthly to make business decisions.

  • Peer Group Executive Committees (PGEC) consider matters of interest to the Peer Group and advise the Governors

  • Numerous Committees handle specific functions, such as activities, budgeting, strategy, and the production of the award shows.

  • The Executive Staff oversees the day-to-day operation of the Television Academy, managing the team of professionals at the Academy’s headquarters.