New Destination Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about the Campaign? You may find the answers here.

How will the New Destination campaign benefit Television Academy members?

  • Since the opening of our North Hollywood campus in 1990, we've grown from 25 peer groups to 29; membership has more than doubled, and now stands at 20,400 strong.

  • Members consistently tell us they want more networking events and connectivity; our new Media Center will have the facilities to make that possible.

  • We'll double available conference rooms and meeting spaces, all of which will be digital-ready -- capable of teleconferencing and two-way interface during symposiums, peer group and panel discussions, all-member seminars, webinars, "town hall" events, etc.

  • We'll have a new state-of-the-art theatre for events and screenings that is fully ADA compliant, providing easier access for all.

  • The new building is LEED-certified, it's environmentally efficient, and more economical to operate. (LEED is short for "Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design")

  • Receptions and mixers may be held in the Media Center's spacious lobby, outdoors in the sculpture garden, or upstairs overlooking our campus.

  • On site, new facilities will enable us to produce and edit more informative and entertaining digital content available for members through our member website.

  • When not used for member and Foundation events, our up-to-date, multi-purpose Media Center will attract more clients for screenings, receptions and gatherings, generating revenue to provide additional support for Foundation initiatives.

How will the endowment portion of this campaign fulfill the promise of the Television Academy Foundation?

  • It will guarantee the Foundation's ongoing impact on successive generations of industry leaders and professionals.

  • We aim to to double participation in our renowned internship program.

  • We'll launch and administer a scholarship fund for deserving young talent.

  • We will provide an in-classroom interface, information exchange and support for our growing network of Faculty Seminar alumni and educators nationwide.

  • We'll connect academics and students with "master class" professionals who can provide career insight and guidance.

  • We'll grow the Academy's collection of inspiring interviews with TV's innovators of the past and present, providing a timeless, enriching resource for generations to come.

What are some of the issues with the former theatre and conference center?

  • Although a beautiful edifice, the Goldenson Theatre was not the state-of-the-art facility it was when the Academy purchased it 25 years ago.

  • Industry projection standards and evolving technologies long ago exceeded its capabilities.

  • The conference center couldn't accommodate the number of meetings and events hosted by the Academy, nor was it digitally capable.

  • ADA standards had changed dramatically since the early 1990s.

  • The existing facility couldn't be altered or expanded due to structural limitations.

  • Our former theatre and conference center lacked facilities to produce, edit and digitally distribute educational content.

  • The Television Academy's current two-story headquarters is filled to capacity; the former building didn't have the space to expand and create needed office space.

Why not just renovate the theatre?

  • Academy leadership actually began discussing renovation about a decade ago.

  • Successive committees appointed by the Academy's Chairmen and Board of Governors worked with experts in the field and thoughtfully explored various upgrade and renovation proposals.

  • Feasibility studies were conducted to evaluate the cost and possibility of reconfiguring and renovating the Goldenson into a multi-purpose facility in early 2013.

  • To achieve an ADA compliant, state-of-the-art theatre within the existing space would have required modification of footings and foundations, and reduced the number of seats in the theatre. The projected restoration costs were comparable to new construction, without meeting all the needs of the Academy.

  • The Building Design and Construction Committee formed by the Board of Governors recommended replacing the theatre with a reimagined structure to serve the evolving mission of the Academy and its Foundation.

Where are the funds coming from to pay for construction?

  • Member dues are not being touched for this project. They are allocated to member activities and operational expenses.

  • The Academy has a healthy investment portfolio and our annual budget consistently produces a $1 to 2 million surplus from sources including sponsorship fees and the Emmy telecast license fee.

  • The Board approved up to an $8.5 million allocation from these reserves as seed money for a fundraising effort.

  • The Board also voted to pursue a $40 million fundraising campaign, both for the construction project and an endowment to guarantee long-term support for the Foundation's expanding educational mission.

  • That fundraising campaign will raise more than 82.5% of the costs for these initiatives from outside donors.

How soon will Academy events move back to North Hollywood?

  • Film Group continues at the Skirball Center until Summer, 2016.

  • Member activities will move back to our campus in the Summer as well; however, the Academy will periodically hold events at other Los Angeles-area locations.

  • Peer group and committee meetings will continue in our primary NoHo office building, and we'll gradually add meeting rooms to that mix after the new Media Center is open.

When will the Media Center be completed?

  • In June 2016.

What are some of the features of the Saban Media Center?

  • A LEED-certified building with over 30,000 square feet of space (as compared to our current 19,000 square feet facility).

  • A multi-level accessible, state-of-the-art, 600-seat theatre, with a ground-level expanded lobby, caterer's prep area and restrooms.

  • Basement-level green room, production/editing space, control room and operational center.

  • Second-story Conference Center, capable of serving one to three meetings simultaneously, with a food prep area and restrooms.

  • Second-story office suite for a 10 – 15 person Foundation staff.

  • Significant storage areas in the upper and lower levels.

  • Reconceived sculpture garden/display areas surrounding the new Media Center featuring the Hall of Fame busts, bronze castings and artwork.

  • A circular drive with the 19-foot Emmy statue as its focal point.

Please see New Destination for the latest comprehensive information about the Campaign. If you have additional questions or comments, contact us at 818.754.2800.

updated 1.31.17