Brenda Strong played “Mary Alice Young,” the Wisteria Lane neighbor who narrated ABC’s Desperate Housewives, appearing on the series from 2004 to 2012 alongside Teri Hatcher, Felicity Huffman and Marcia Cross. Strong held the role of “Jones” on Twin Peaks, “Kathleen Isley” on Party of Five, and the bra-less wonder, “Sue Ellen Mischke” on Seinfeld. She starred as “Sally Sasser” on the ABC comedy-drama Sports Night, “Mrs. Carmen Mackoul” on 7th Heaven, “Julia Brown” on Everwood, and “Arlene Ridgeway” on the television series, The Help. Strong currently plays “Ann Ewing” on the TNT drama series Dallas.
More about Brenda Strong on Dallas's official site.