Krista Vernoff
Krista Vernoff
3 Nominations

The Power of TV: Reshaping Breast Cancer Narratives
Developed in partnership with Hollywood, Health & Society, this conversation focuses on disparities in access to breast cancer detection and care, especially for young women who are most affected by early onset breast cancer. This panel also includes storytellers in television who discuss how content creators can shed light on the topic and promote positive social change by incorporating more storylines on these issues in their programs.

The Power of TV: Representing Disability in Storytelling
A panel conversation moderated by Holly Robinson Peete addressing the onscreen representation of people with disabilities as well as pathways for increased access and opportunity.

Quaranstreaming: Comfort TV That Keeps Us Going
Join us for a virtual conversation that welcomes some old friends from the hit shows The West Wing, The Sopranos, and Grey's Anatomy.
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