Matt LeBlanc is best known for his role as the beloved Joey Tribbiani on the iconic NBC series Friends. The show aired for a decade and garnered LeBlanc accolades, including three consecutive Emmy nominations, three Golden Globe nominations and a Screen Actors Guild Award among others. He continued portraying the character in the spin-off series Joey for two more years.
Currently, LeBlanc is in production on the third season of the BBC/Showtime series Episodes. The show focuses on a British husband-and-wife comedy writing team who move to Hollywood to remake their successful British TV series for an American-based audience and without choice they must cast Matt LeBlanc who not only damages their reputation and show, but their marriage too. LeBlanc’s portrayal of himself has earned him an Emmy nomination and a Golden Globe award and nomination for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy. Additionally, the show was nominated for two Golden Globes for Best Television Series Comedy and an Emmy for writing for Best Comedy Series.
LeBlanc’s feature film credits include Charlie’s Angels, and its sequel, Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle, with Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu, directed by McG; Lost in Space, produced by Irwin Allen, and All the Queen’s Men. LeBlanc’s producing credits include Jonah Hex, the 2006 Warner Bros. pilot, The Prince, and the New Line Cinema feature The Watch.