Terry O’Quinn, best known as “John Locke” on ABC series Lost, earned three Primetime Emmy noms for the role – winning the Supporting Actor award in 2010. He will reunite with Lost co-star Daniel Dae Kim in 2011 on Hawaii Five-0. He emerged in 1980 film FDR: The Last Year, then broke through as the deranged title character in The Stepfather. O’Quinn has also been seen on The X-Files, NCIS, Alias and Law & Order: Criminal Intent.
Terry O'Quinn
July 15
Newberry, Michigan
3 Nominations
1 Emmy
Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Drama Series - 2010
Terry O'Quinn, as John Locke
Grass Skirts Productions, LLC in association with ABC Network and Studios
Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Drama Series - 2007
Terry O'Quinn, as John Locke
Grass Skirts Productions, LLC in association with ABC Network and Studios
Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Drama Series - 2005
Terry O'Quinn, as John Locke
Grass Skirts Productions, LLC in association with ABC Network and Studios
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The Television Academy database lists prime-time Emmy information. Click here to learn more.