• Laura Zempel

Me and My Emmy: Laura Zempel

The picture editor loves storytelling and the collaboration process between editors and assistants.

Emmy Tally: One

How She Got the Gold: For outstanding single-camera picture editing for a drama series, for HBO's Euphoria in 2022.

Now for the Noms: Zempel won on her first nomination.

Winning Moment: "It was completely surreal to hear our names called. I looked around the table at my fellow editors Julio [Perez IV], Aaron [Butler] and Nik [Boyanov], and all our jaws were collectively on the floor while our partners were jumping up and down."

Home Improvement: "I keep the statue on a record shelf in my living room. It reminds me of the best parts of my job, which inspires me to keep improving."

Group Effort: "The collaboration between the editors and assistants on Euphoria is unlike any show I've been a part of. We don't just cut on the episodes we're assigned to; we constantly share scenes so the entire season feels cohesive. We're very much a family and make a point of eating lunch together every day. So much of who we are as individuals is woven into the fabric of the show."

Born to Cut: "I cut a short documentary for a school project in seventh grade, and have been in love with editing ever since. I attended film school at Chapman University, interned with American Cinema Editors, started as an assistant editor and have been cutting ever since. Editing combines my love of storytelling, music and performance, and I can't imagine doing anything else."

Click here for more Me and My Emmy articles.

This article originally appeared in emmy magazine issue #3, 2023.