Me and My Emmy: Jordan Goldman, ACE

The ACE editor finds inspiration in collaboration and mentorship.

Primetime Emmy Tally: One

How He Got the Gold: For single-camera picture editing for a drama series in 2012, for Showtime's Homeland.

Now for the Noms: Goldman won on his first nomination.

Insider Insight: "Attending the Emmys was an amazing night. After the Governors Ball, my wife and I were standing in a crowd waiting for our ride, and I suddenly realized we were surrounded by the famous faces I'd watched on TV that year. It was a weird 'Stars... they're just like us' kind of moment."

Shiny Shelf: "Emmy lives on a bookcase with her friend Eddie [Goldman won an ACE Eddie Award in 2012 for the same episode of Homeland]. They like to watch TV together."

Feeling the Force: "I saw Star Wars when I was seven, and I was hooked. At film school it became clear that I was good at solving puzzles in a dark room by myself. As an editor, I get to join forces with great artisans, highlight the best things in their work and keep moving the ball down the field. I also really enjoy mentoring my assistant editors, who I hope will keep passing it forward."

Happy Home: "Homeland showrunner Alex Gansa believes that the best idea should win, so the show was a very collaborative environment. I made lifelong friends there and did work I'm really proud of. And we were a part of pop culture — we were even spoofed by Sesame Street!"

Click for more Me and My Emmy articles.

This article originally appeared in emmy magazine, Issue #7, 2022.