Me and My Emmy: Michael Price

The three-time Emmy winner finds the silver-lining in producing The Simpsons during a pandemic.

Primetime Emmy Tally: Three

How He Got the Gold: As a coexecutive producer and writer when The Simpsons won outstanding animated program in 2006, 2008 and 2019.

Now for the Noms: Price has been nominated 14 other times: for The PJs in 1999; and for The Simpsons in 2004–05, 2007, 2009–13, 2015–18 and 2020.

Cool Monsters: "My first job in television was for the sketch comedy The Newz, and when it got canceled, David Litt (who went on to cocreate The King of Queens) helped me get work on the Nickelodeon show Aaahh!!! Real Monsters. Today I run into people in their early 30s who couldn't care less that I work on The Simpsons but are blown away that I wrote for Monsters."

A Wonderful Life: "Winning for the first time in 2006 was an out-of-body experience. As I bounded up to the stage with my colleagues, I saw Ira Glass from This American Life sitting on the aisle. I was so giddy that I yelled out, 'Ira Glass, I love you!' I hope that's one of Ira's special memories, too."

Dinner Date: "I'm incredibly grateful that because of modern technology we were able to keep our writers' rooms for The Simpsons and F Is for Family working during this awful pandemic year. I love that I can have dinner with my wife, Monica, without having to endure the 405 [freeway] at rush hour, but I dearly miss being in that room with all those supremely funny people."

Vanity Check: "My Emmy statues sit in our family room, alongside my 2006 Writers Guild Award and the two-foot-tall 'me' made up of 1,000 or so Lego bricks that I received at the 2015 Star Wars Celebration for my work on the Lego Star Wars specials. The Emmys remind me of how truly fortunate I am that I get to work in Hollywood, and 'Lego Me' reminds me of how bald I am."

Click for more Me and My Emmy articles.

This article originally appeared in emmy magazine, Issue No. 4, 2021

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