• me and my emmy

Me & My Emmy: Robot Chicken's Deirdre Devlin

The writer recalls the story pitch that garnered her an Emmy.


HOW SHE GOT THE GOLD: As a writer for Robot Chicken, which won short form animated program in 2018.

NOW FOR THE NOMS: Devlin was nominated for the same category in 2020.

AND THE EMMY GOES TO: "It's actually scary when your show is called. Your heart is pounding right before they say the winner. It's similar to the suspense you feel while watching a horror movie and you just know there's about to be a jump scare or a fake out. You brace yourself for whatever is coming!"

DREAM COME TRUE: "After winning the Emmy, I found a vision board I made in college that I had completely forgotten about. It had a bunch of Emmys on it! Now I just need to get those six-pack abs."

PITCH PERFECT: "I remember pitching the idea [of Santa eating edibles] for the episode that ended up winning the Emmy. All week I pitched it, and no one responded. Once your idea isn't well received in the room, it's good manners to let it go, but I just had a feeling this was the idea! By the end of the week we still hadn't cracked it, so I stood up and pitched it again. So bold! I finished with, 'And if we do this, we're going to win an Emmy!' Everyone looked around and said, 'Okay, let's do it!'"