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Me and My Emmy: Everybody Loves Raymond's Rory Rosegarten

The Everybody Loves Raymond EP looks back on his big night at the Emmys: "I still can’t believe it."

Emmy Tally: Two

How He Got the Gold: Rosegarten was an executive producer of Everybody Loves Raymond, which won Outstanding Comedy Series in 2003 and 2005.

Now for the Noms: Rosegarten was nominated eight times for his work on the CBS comedy.

Gaze to Amaze: "I keep my Emmy statuettes in my office on Long Island, and I look at them for a few seconds every day. I still can’t believe it. Absolutely unreal."

Faux Glow: "When asked, I always let people take a picture holding them. It’s fun to watch as they pretend they’re accepting. Their smiles are priceless!"

Twice in a Lifetime: "The nights [when we won] were insane. I’ll never forget them. It was wonderfully surreal standing and celebrating on that stage with everyone. I’ve had those Emmy-win feelings twice, and I’m so grateful."

Ray of Sunshine: "Everybody Loves Raymond was an incredibly funny show with sensational actors, writers, staff and crew. We were a family. And it was a lot of fun! Everyone was treated well, and always with respect. And that all started with Ray [Romano]. When the guy at the top of a show is a sweetheart, it all just falls beautifully into place. I love him for that, and many, many other things. He's like a brother. He changed my life in more ways than I can ever explain."

This article originally appeared in emmy Magazine, issue #2, 2025, under the title "Me and My Emmy: Rory Rosegarten."