41st Annual Daytime Emmys Call for Entries and Judges

The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences has launched a new, all-online judging system for the Daytime Emmy Awards.

The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, which administers the Daytime Emmy Awards, has launched a new, all-online awards system. Entrants upload video to the system and judges register, view submissions and cast ballots online. For judging ease, the system will even be available for viewing on an iPad!

In addition to the many genres and categories associated with Daytime — dramas, talk shows, games shows, lifestyle programming and children’s and animated programs — the Daytime Emmys have introduced three new Spanish-language categories this year: Outstanding Morning Program in Spanish, Outstanding Entertainment Program in Spanish and Outstanding Daytime Talent in Spanish. This allows members who are fluent in Spanish to view and evaluate submissions as they were broadcast. If you wish to judge these categories, please be sure to select the Spanish Language option on the judge registration form.

All Peer Groups are welcome. If you would like to participate, you can go directly to daytimeemmys.dmds.com/account/judgeSignup to register to be a judge. If you have participated in the past, we ask you to register anew, since all information from previous years will not carry over to this new system.

The Daytime Emmys sincerely appreciates the time and effort required of those serve as judges, and trusts that the convenience of an online system will encourage you to view and evaluate the work of your peers.

Daytime Emmy Awards Judging Calendar

January 17, 2014
Deadline to register to be a judge

January 31, 2014
Drama performer pre-nomination judging begins

February 7, 2014
Preliminary round Judging for selected non-drama categories begins

February 24, 2014
Drama performer pre-nomination and preliminary round judging ends

March 26, 2014
Blue Ribbon judging begins

April 21, 2014
Blue Ribbon judging ends

May 1, 2014
Nomination announcements

If you would like to be added to the general Daytime Emmys contact list to receive news and updates, please send an email directly to daytime@emmyonline.tv. You may also want to follow the Daytime Emmys on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DaytimeEmmyAwards.

If you have questions about the process, or need help with your judging registration, please feel free to contact David, Brent or Luke from the Daytime Administration by email at daytime@emmyonline.tv or by telephone at (212) 586-8426.