The Television Academy, in partnership with ReadySet — one of the country's leading culture change consulting firms — today released its 2024 Impact Progress Report.
Click here to access the Television Academy's 2024 Impact Progress Report.
Highlights of the report, an analysis of survey data measuring membership perceptions of the Academy's DEIA progress along with comparisons of member demographics year over year, include:
The demographic diversity of the Academy's membership has increased, with new members over the past two years holding more diverse identities than in the past. The percentage of Academy members identifying as a member of a historically marginalized racial/ethnic group increased by almost 4% in 2023 as compared to 2022.
Members reported a greater sense of belonging, with women members of historically marginalized racial/ethnic groups, who had the lowest belonging scores in 2021, reporting a 10% increase in that sentiment.
92% of members who answered questions about the Academy's DEIA progress perceive at least some if not significant progress across all the Academy's DEIA commitments.
"We are encouraged by the changes we have seen across the Academy and remain committed to being a catalyst for meaningful progress towards full inclusion across the industry," said Cris Abrego, Television Academy chair. "The impact report is a vital tool for understanding the Academy's progress, as well as identifying areas in need of investment for our organization and its leadership as we pursue our goal of fostering a dynamic, supportive and accessible professional community."
In addition to uplifting progress, the report also highlights key areas for continued focus based on survey findings and demographic comparisons. The Academy remains committed to further diversifying its membership and making all members feel welcome and supported in pursuing its mission. Areas of focus for the future include:
Shining a light on identities such as ethnic heritage, disability, age and expansive gender identities; and facilitating a more refined understanding of DEIA given the nuances of the increasingly complex current environment.
Improving communication, transparency and feedback opportunities for members.
Developing programs and events to make the Academy feel like a place of community, offering avenues for meaningful career growth and support for members.
Continuing efforts to diversify membership through intentional outreach to different communities and organizations.
"On the heels of a history-making 75th Emmys, and three years of our collaboration, we're thrilled to report on the progress made," said Y-Vonne Hutchinson, CEO & Founder, ReadySet. "The Academy's improvements in member diversity and perceptions of belonging reflect the intentional and sustainable approach the Academy has taken to improve DEIA. Of course, there is still work to be done to achieve full member engagement, representation and inclusion. We are committed to supporting the Academy in this work, and we are inspired by our partnership and hopeful for what lies ahead."
The report is part of the Academy's ongoing DEIA efforts and reflects the organization's commitment to transparency as it pursues its goal of fostering a dynamic, supportive and accessible organization that mirrors the future we envision for the television industry.
Click here to access the Television Academy's 2024 Impact Progress Report.
Jim Yeager
breakwhitelight (for the Television Academy)
For the complete press release, click here.