Me and My Emmy: Audrey Morrissey

Audrey Morrissey's Emmys are a reminder always to strive for excellence.

Primetime Emmy Tally: Four

How She Got the Gold: As an executive producer of The Voice, which was named outstanding reality competition program in 2013, '15, '16 and '17.

Now for the Noms: Morrissey has been nominated six times.

Status Update: "The first time I won an Emmy, I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of congratulations from everyone I saw. I remember walking out of the theater, and strangers were asking to have their picture taken with me. I kept thinking, who do they think I am? Finally I realized they just wanted a picture with an Emmy!"

Glam Jam: "Attending the Emmys is always a fun time. All the women of The Voice spend the afternoon together, getting our glam done. We feel like queens for the day!"

Eyes on the Prize: "I keep my Emmys in a bookcase in my house, where I see them every day. They are a constant reminder to strive for excellence."

Fave Rave: "All of my wins are special. Each time, my heart is pounding and everything feels in slo-mo. It's thrilling that people love the show as much as we do."

Balancing Act: "Fourteen seasons of anything is a big challenge. We're constantly pushing ourselves to find ways, big and small, to evolve the show while staying true to its core. It's not easy. As an executive producer, my job is part crisis manager, part therapist, part inspirer."

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This article originally appeared in emmy magazine, Issue No. 4, 2018