Me and My Emmy: Bernie Su

The three-time Emmy winner talks about interactive media and making it.

Primetime Emmy Tally: Three

How He Got the Gold: For Outstanding Creative Achievement in Interactive Media in 2013 (for The Lizzie Bennet Diaries) and 2015 (for Emma Approved), and Outstanding Innovation in Interactive Media in 2019 (for Artificial).

Now for the Noms: Su has won every time he's been nominated.

All In: "Sharing Emmy night with people who were part of the journey made 2019 truly special. We had a 20-person group, including my family, in attendance. The joy and pride I saw in their faces, their ear-to-ear grins — that's the most special memory."

Admire and Inspire: "I keep my Emmy statuettes on display in my workspace. I want them to inspire greatness in all of our work."

Happy Hybrid: "I started in this industry wanting to be a showrunner, but I grew up in Silicon Valley with a tech background — my father wanted me to be an engineer. Eventually I began merging episodic storytelling with new technology. As I like to say to my pops, 'Sorry I never became an engineer, but I do have three Emmys.'"

Yes to Success: "When there's an opportunity for an adventure, I pretty much always say yes. You have to grab those chances, whatever they are and however strange they seem."

Future Forecast: "We watched Jon Snow defeat the White Walkers [in Game of Thrones], but what if we as a collective audience could help him defeat them? That is the future of interactive."

Click for more Me and My Emmy articles.

This article originally appeared in emmy magazine, Issue No. 11, 2019