Me and My Emmy: Chad Hurd

Primetime Emmy Tally: One

How He Got the Gold: As a producer of Archer, which was named Outstanding Animated Program in 2016.

Now for the Noms: Hurd was nominated for Archer in the same category in 2017.

Night to Remember: "After the Governors Ball we went out to sing karaoke at a bar, decked out in tuxedos with Emmys in tow. We looked ridiculous and raised some eyebrows but had a lot of fun. The 6 a.m. flight back to Atlanta the following morning was not as much fun."

That Winning Feeling: "Surreal! My expectations were low. I was just happy to attend. When Neil DeGrasse Tyson announced Archer won, I was completely stunned. Being on stage was a blur."

Emmy in the Family: "My Emmy statue lives on my mantel next to a photo of my kids. I look at it every morning before work and remember how lucky I am to do something I love."

Georgia on His Mind: "Archer is made from start to finish in Atlanta. Having everyone in-house gives us a lot of control over the animation and design of the show. If something doesn't look right or a joke isn't working, we can figure out a solution on the spot. Some of the most talented people I've ever known are in Floyd County, working on Archer."

Career Shift: "I actually went to school to be an art teacher. Thankfully, I was terrible at it."

Tux: Rent or Own? "Sterling Archer would be disappointed; I've always rented."

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This article originally appeared in emmy magazine, Issue No. 1, 2019