Me and My Emmy: Marie Schley

Thanks to a feng shui expert, Marie Schley's Emmy is inviting more work her way.

Primetime Emmy Tally: One

How She Got the Gold: For Outstanding Costumes for a Contemporary Series, Limited Series or Movie, in 2015 for Amazon's Transparent

Now for the Noms: Schley has been nominated three times as costume designer for Transparent.

Near Miss: "Nancy Jarzynko [Transparent's costume supervisor] and I almost missed everything by heading to the restroom right before our category was called. Nancy stopped us from going just in time. (She's always on top of things!)

When they called our names, I was overwhelmed. My husband jumped up and hugged me. I smeared lipstick on his tux shirt, and as I was walking to the stage, Bradley Whitford yelled, 'Marie!' like my brother at a soccer game. But the best part was bringing the Emmy to celebrate with my husband, my children, my costume department and everyone on the Transparent team."

Good Vibes: "My Emmy statue lives in a spot diagonal from my front door. A friend of mine who does feng shui told me to keep it there to invite more work."

Aiming High: "Transparent has been some of the most exciting work I have ever done. The characters are constantly evolving, so I am always tackling new challenges. It has been wonderful to work with a collection of innovative artists.

Jill [Soloway, creator–executive producer] has validated my hope for what costume design can be. It is vital to the story and the characters, and it helps guide the audience to an understanding of deeper themes."

Character Recognition: "It was so much fun to find something beautiful to wear to the Emmys. As a nod to Maura [Jeffrey Tambor] and the show, I chose a caftan. They remind me of the '70s, of bohemian artists and intellects, of earth mothers and fathers, of California and my own flamboyant, imaginative grandmother.

They are gender neutral, comfortable and will always be synonymous with Transparent and with Maura."

Click for more Me and My Emmy articles.

This article originally appeared in emmy magazine, Issue No. 9, 2018