Me and My Emmy: Sam Haskell

The executive producer credits his success to perseverance, dealmaking and his friendship with production partner Dolly Parton.

Emmy Tally: One

How He Got the Gold: As executive producer of Dolly Parton's Christmas on the Square, named outstanding television movie in 2021.

Now for the Noms: Haskell has been nominated three times as executive producer of Dolly Parton's television movies.

Golly, It's Dolly! "Becoming production partners with Dolly Parton was a natural extension of our more than forty years of friendship. I love executing her wonderful ideas!"

Agency Ed: "For me, winning an Emmy was pure joy... a God wink of sorts to recognize hard work and perseverance. It was made possible through my relationships and the education in dealmaking that I received over twenty-seven years with the William Morris Agency."

Deal to Heal: "Rebooting The Waltons through Magnolia Hill Productions and my deal at Warner Bros. allows me to tell stories of faith, kindness and humility that will captivate and entertain families all over our country."

Dare to Dream: "When the Emmy nominations were announced in the summer of 1965, I declared to a station wagon full of friends that one day I planned to win an Emmy. Everyone laughed. My best friend's mom said, 'If Sammy thinks he is going to win an Emmy, then I believe he will.' And fifty-five years later, she was right!"

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This article originally appeared in emmy magazine, Issue 12, 2022.