Altered Carbon
Altered Carbon
2 Nominations

Outstanding Main Title Design - 2018
Skydance Television
Lisa Bolan, Creative Director
Thomas McMahan, Animator/Compositor
Yongsub Song, Animator/Compositor
Byron Slaybaugh, Animator/Compositor
Carlo Sa, Designer
Mert Kizilay, Designer

Outstanding Special Visual Effects - 2018
Out Of The Past
Skydance Television
Everett Burrell, Senior VFX Supervisor
Tony Meagher, Senior VFX Producer
Joel Whist, Special Effects Coordinator
Jorge Del Valle, Previs Supervisor
Steve Moncur, VFX Supervisor
Christine Lemon, VFX Producer
Paul Jones, VFX Producer
Antoine Moulineau, CG Supervisor
David Zaretti, 2D Supervisor